Sunday 7 December 2008

Journey from Foster building Uclan to Preston sports arena (PSA) to Wigan harriers Athletics Club(A.C)

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Funding Within Northern England's Athletics

Funding within athletics

Funding within athletics is a popular topic of conversation in recent years. The lack of funds given to athletes, who are not on the top level of the sport, is below par to say the least. Athletes like Jennifer Meadows 27, who only recently has received funding to help her raise her game in athletics over the last few months, enabling her and husband/trainer, Trevor Painter to progress in athletics.

Jennifer and husband/Trevor were forced to find funds themselves if they wanted to take part in world wide athletics events in the past. Her, and husband Trevor having to Work in numerous jobs to make her dream come true, leaving the couple jaded and in need of rest, whilst Jennifer Meadows having an impressive season with her club Wigan A.C and at a national level in the summer for Team GB, where Jennifer was recently involved in Team GB’s track and field team at the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 completing in the women’s 800 meters event and winning a Gold medal.

The money in athletics seems to automatically go to already famous, southern based athletes the likes of Linford Christie and Dwain Chambers who seem to use the funding in the wrong light. Cheating by choosing to use illegal performance enhancing substances to ‘better their game’, who later find themselves having all forms of sporting accolades rebuked and confiscated, leaving themselves and team mates distraught and very disappointed. Why is the money not being put into the local grass route levels locally in the north of England particularly within the Lancaster area?

I for one am not sure if it looks to hopeful for the future of the northern based athletics clubs and their respected athletes, as the power of Southern England, who are always funded without a doubt is to vast. It almost seems that UK athletics and Team GB is mainly financed in the South of England and not the north of England focusing on the Preston and Wigan area where athletes need the funding the most.

Usain Bolt...What a spirter....What a man

Usain Bolt...What a spirter....What a man
Bolt celebrating victory at the Beijing Olympic Games 2008